Recent Posts

Angela's avatar

Solution and explanation to the CP Contest

Hey guys!
The August CP contest is over and I hope all of you have a lot of fun in it!
If you feel puzzled about some of the problem, you can find the solution and explanation to them here!

Angela's avatar

MSJ CS Club CTF/CP challenge

Hey guys!
We're planning on hosting a beginner-friendly MSJ-wide online competition consisting of both CTF (capture-the-flag) and CP (competitive programming) problems. Amazon gift cards will be awarded to top teams! We may also host Zoom lectures to help introduce CTF/CP and walkthrough some basic challenges. Teams will also have a chance to submit challenges and be awarded points if their challenge is selected.
If you're interested, or have any other suggestions for CS club activities, please fill out this interest form.

Angela's avatar

2020-2021 New Officers!

Hello everyone! Here are the new officers for 2020-2021:
President: Vivian Han
Secretary: Hao Chen
Treasurer: Chris Ge
Activities Coordinator: Aditya Prerepa
Public Relations Officer: Leo Cui

Thank you to everyone who applied!

Angela's avatar

We Are Back!

Hello everyone!
This website is alive again! We will continue to update club meeting information and summary on each lectures we would give in the future!
Constantly check this website to see more updates!

Angela's avatar

Guest Speaker!

Hello everyone!
Are you interested in math/statistics and computer science? Then come to our meeting tomorrow (10/17) during lunch at C16 to learn more about being a data scientist from guest speaker Catherine Yu!
Also, join us for our yearbook photo this Thursday (10/19) during lunch between the gym and the parking lot!
See you there!

Angela's avatar

Java Powerpoint Slides

Here is a link! to the slides we have been using to present Java.
Hope it is helpful!

Angela's avatar

First Meeting of the Year!

Come to MSJ Computer Science club’s first meeting on Tuesday, 9/19 in C16 (Ms. Kuei) during lunch!!
If you were not able to sign up on maze day, please fill out this form to add yourself to our mailing list: here.
Also, join our Facebook group!

Angela's avatar

2017-2018 New Officers!

Hey guys! Here are the new officers for 2017-2018:

President: Angela Yi
VP: Ishil Puri
Secretary: Kanav Kalucha
Treasurer: Richard Liu
Activities Coordinator: Christina Yu
Public Relations Officer: Gloria Chang

Thank you to everyone who applied!

Sabrina's avatar

First Meeting

Hop on over to MSJCS's intro meeting on 9/13 in B8 (Lazar's room)!
If you didn't get our first email, sign up here and join our Facebook group!

Sabrina's avatar

Sign up!

Thank you to everyone who came signed up during maze day.
If you didn't get a chance to see us and grab some cookies and candy, don't worry! You can still sign up for our mailing list here.
Looking forward to an awesome year with all you cool cats! :)