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Welcome back to the MSJ CS Club for the 2021 - 2022 school year!

Angela's avatar

6/4 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, Pratyay talked about saving the environment using Machine Learning.

Angela's avatar

5/28 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, Aditya talked about Unit Testing with Java.

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5/21 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, Pratyay talked about Computer Organization and Design.

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4/23 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, We talked about Data Compression.

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4/2 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we talked about number theory in CS.

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3/26 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we talked about sweap line

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3/19 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we talked about some baisc Operations in computational geometry

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3/5 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we talked about sliding window technique in DP problems.

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2/26 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we talked about some baisc ideas of dynamic programming as well as some problems.

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2/19 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we discussed some basic concepts involving the Greedy Algorithm

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2/12 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we discussed Network Flow.

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1/15 Lecture Summary

In this lecture, we discussed some basic bit operations as well as how it is applied to Binary Indexed Tree.

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12/18 lecture summary: MST

In this lecture Leo lectured on MST algorithms and went over three USACO problems.

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12/4 lecture summary: Sorting Algorithms

In this lecture we talked about differnt algorithms for sorting, their time complexities as well as some problems in which we can use sorting algorithms.

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11/20 lecture summary: Fundametals of low-level networking

In this lecture we talked about how computer interacts and exchange information with each other.

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11/6 lecture summary: dijkstra and bellman ford

In this lecture we talked about shortest path algorithms like dijkstra and bellman ford as well as their implementations.

Angela's avatar

10/23 lecture summary: BFS and DFS

In this lecture we discussed about basic ideas of DFS and BFS and their implementation.

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10/16 lecture summary: Introduction to Graphs

In this lecture we discussed the difinition of graphs, trees and DAG, some of their properties and ways to store them.

Angela's avatar

10/9 lecture summary: Basic data structures: Arrays, LinkedList, Queue and Stack

In this lecture we discussed about some of the most basic data structures like arrays and linkedlist.

Angela's avatar

10/2 lecture summary: Time Complexity and Big O notation

In this lecture we talked about time complexity and the Big O notation.