
MSJ Computer Science Club (MSJCS or MSJ Compsci) is a club dedicated to promoting and expanding the interest of computer science of the students at MSJ. We aim to bring the joy and excitement of computer science to members and non-members of this club through many activities, such as lessons/presentations, competitions, discussions, and field trips. We hope to see you at our club meetings, every Friday in C16! You can sign up for the mailing list here.

Our 2021-2022 officers:
President: Vivian Han
Vice President: Chris Ge
Treasurer: Leo Cui
Secretary: Pratyay Pandey
Activities Coordinator: Aditya Prerepa
Public Relations Officer: Fuyi Yang

View our constitution here. Constitution was last updated May 22, 2020.

Previous Officers

Our 2020-2021 officers:
President: Vivian Han
Secretary: Hao Chen
Treasurer: Chris Ge
Activities Coordinator: Aditya Prerepa
Public Relations Officer: Leo Cui

Our 2019-2020 officers:
President: Christina Yu
Secretary: Daniel Xie
Treasurer: Kartik Narang
Activities Coordinator: Anirudh Valiveru
Public Relations Officer: Vivian Han

Our 2018-2019 officers:
Co-President: Ishil Puri and Christina Yu
Secretary: Gloria Chang
Treasurer: Aria Lakhmani
Activities Coordinator: Arul Verma

Our 2017-2018 officers:
President: Angela Yi
Vice President: Ishil Puri
Secretary: Kanav Kalucha
Treasurer: Richard Liu
Activities Coordinator: Christina Yu
Public Relations Officer: Gloria Chang

Our 2016-2017 officers:
Valerie Choung, President
Sabrina Liu, Vice President
Angela Yi, Secretary
Kanav Kalucha, Activities Coordinator
Richard Liu, Treasurer
Ishil Puri, Public Relations Officer

Our 2015-2016 officers:
Hari Subbaraj, President
Valerie Choung, President
Andrew Chen, Vice President
Keshav Rao, Secretary
Angela Yi, Activities Coordinator
Sabrina Liu, Treasurer

Our 2014-2015 officers:
Kevin Zeng, President
Valerie Choung, Vice President
Hari Subbaraj, Secretary
Vineeth Yeevani, Activities Coordinator
Austin Wu, Treasurer
Keshav Rao, Public Relations Officer