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October 2021 Contest

The contest contains 4 problems to be solved within 4 hours. Problems 2, 3, and 4 are split into easy and hard versions.
You may use almost any language you choose. Slower languages have increased time limits.
Your score is equal to the number of problems you correctly solve. Ties are broken based on time penalty, which is equal to the sum of the number of minutes you took to solve each problem + 10 minute penalty per incorrect submission on problems you have solved.
Do not consult any textbooks, internet resources, etc.
If you are not registered on CodeForces / have not joined our CodeForces group, please consult the guide here.
If you have not joined our discord server, click here to join.
If you encounter any problems / need clarifications during the contest, feel free to private message one of the officers on discord. Any clarifications will be posted in the announcements section under the contest problems.
Click here to access the contest page. Do not look at the problems before starting. When you're ready, click on virtual participation and have fun!
Update: Contest is now over! The editorials for Problems B-G are attached below:
Worship (B-C):
Bessie's Puzzle (D-E):
Bessie's Dinner (F-G):